

    Kharif 1983 (Area in Hectares and Quantity in Qtls.)
    Sr. No. Crop Area Quantity
    Inspected Rejected Certified Foundation Certified Total
    1 Cotton 2159.40 172.56 1986.84 346.60 2703.44 3050.04
    2 Moong 670.24 16.76 653.48 3088.15 485.50 3573.65
    3 Mash 240.40 41.36 199.04 446.70 1208.28 1654.98
    4 Cowpea 22.00 8.00 14.00 5.70 0.00 5.70
    5 Arhar 361.70 63.99 297.71 232.70 1459.01 1691.71
    6 Soyabean 3.20 3.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    7 Guar 418.40 23.60 394.80 1892.70 597.76 2490.46
    8 Paddy 1350.02 445.63 904.39 67.80 23583.56 23651.36
    9 Bajra 0.80 0.00 0.80 0.00 1.55 1.55
    10 Sorghum 32.80 0.00 32.80 6.36 9.60 15.96
    11 Bhindi 38.00 13.40 24.60 31.67 73.04 104.71
    12 Maize 23.60 12.80 10.80 0.00 38.36 38.36
    Total 5320.56 801.30 4519.26 6118.38 30160.10 36278.48
    Rabi 1983-84 (Area in Hectares and Quantity in Qtls.)
    Sr. No. Crop Area Quantity
    Inspected Rejected Certified Foundation Certified Total
    1 Potato 162.46 46.99 209.45 5073.00 11621.00 16694.00
    2 Wheat 14483.88 1222.68 15706.56 17856.50 248797.81 266654.31
    3 Barley 62.40 3.44 65.84 36.00 903.90 939.90
    4 Oat 106.80 9.60 116.40 26.75 555.90 582.65
    5 Gram 1757.48 67.32 1824.80 4721.00 4027.60 8748.60
    6 Rape mustard 200.30 39.34 239.64 454.05 579.78 1033.83
    7 Lentil 147.60 7.86 155.46 53.55 53.40 106.95
    8 Barseem 45.30 22.90 68.20 33.95 0.00 33.95
    9 Pea 25.20 2.28 27.48 25.80 34.80 60.60
    10 Onion 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
    Total 16993.42 1422.41 18415.83 28280.60 266574.19 294854.79
    GrandTotal 22313.98 2223.71 22935.09 34398.98 296734.29 331133.27